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The Italian-American Press

italian america pressLittle information on self-publishing and Italian American literature was readily available 40 years ago when Ralph Ferraro wrote his first book, Child of Wonder, an Italian religious novel about a child visionary. He remembers the discouragement of all those trying years of rejection of his manuscript by many of the best-known publishers in the United States. Based on the comments of editors, he rewrote his book at least ten times, all to no avail. Today, though still not published, Child of Wonder receives between 500 and 800 downloads each month through the Internet. Ferraro is both pleased and gratified by these results, for he knows well the dreams and hopes of unrecognized writers as well as the constant frustrations they must deal with in their efforts to get read and published. Although the works of authors may not be published, Ferraro believes self-published writers can obtain the satisfaction of seeing their books both publicized and read worldwide through the technology of the omnipresent Internet.

Aware of the many difficulties Italian American writers face in promoting and publishing their books, Ferraro, an educator and author, founded The Italian American Press in 2001. Its primary purpose is to provide information for Italian American writers as well as to assist them as much as possible in finding an audience for their books. Besides a large variety of useful links, resources on the website include: Italian American Publishers, Italian American Books, and Tools for Italian American Writers. As founder and director of the Italian American Press, Ferraro has accomplished what many immigrants aspire to achieve. Maintaining pride in his heritage and culture, he offers valued services to both those of his ethnic background as well as those of non-Italian backgrounds through the various offerings of The Italian American Press. For his continual efforts in this and other endeavors, Ferraro and his wife Anne-marie received the Springfield, MA, Italian Cultural Center¹s prestigious Serviam award in 2003.

Besides encouraging, advising, and promoting Italian American authors at no expense to them, the site networks with various Italian American Organizations and groups in its efforts to cultivate a greater appreciation and understanding of Italian culture and heritage. According to Marketleap, the site has a total of more than 1,000 links on the Internet. Additionally, for lovers of the written word, a varied selection of books is offered on this site: Rare and Old Books, Sci-fi Classics, First Editions, and Instructional Paperbacks on subjects such as writing, literary criticism, poetry, and psychology.

This site boasts of possessing the Internet’s best selection of self-published Italian American Books, some of which graphically depict the immigration experience as well as explore the evolution of the Italian American consciousness. Here one can find nonfiction by Leon Radomile, Emilise Alexandri, Antonia Sparano Geiser, Dr. Stephen L. DeFelice, and Patrick J. Gallo; poignant and inspiring novels by authors Joe Criscuolo, Christine Caligiuri, and E. M. Lewis; detective mysteries by Carmine Randazzo, Frank Megna, and Michael LaRocca; innovative works by talented writers such as Mono DeAngelo, Genio Basilici, John Agliata, Rosalind Burgundy, Joseph Foti, A.S. Maulucci, Salvatore Robert Froio and many others.

The Italian American Press decides whether the books they receive are of suitable quality and theme for representation. Meeting acceptable standards, The Italian American Press will provide a free posting and link to where viewers can purchase the book directly from the author, one’s designated website, or the publisher. Posted on the site are 145 titles. Presently, the popularity of The Italian American Press is reflected in the fact that it comes up Number 1 in Google when searching for Italian American Books.

Interested readers are invited to visit the Italian American Press ( Italian American Press ) to browse the many excellent books of fiction and nonfiction written by aspiring Italian Americans.

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